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Chloé Norman
Guard Your Heart

October 15-31st 2015
Reception: Thursday Oct 22nd 2015, 7-9pm


Chloe Norman Guard your Heart Graven Feather Toronto Art Gallery Studio Workshops

Graven Feather Toronto Art Gallery Studio Workshops Letterpress

In her wonderful new series of photographs, Guard Your Heart, Chloé Norman explores the potential of touch using models and objects that are not her own. Faceless bodies wrap intimately around and through things. Textures lift our senses upward and inward; lace, sheer, soft, shiny, and pale take us to places of grace. Working intuitively with models who explore under her direction, the final images contain elements of the performative, resulting in an often slightly awkward but delicious melding of body with object.

“Guard your heart” is something my parents used to say to me as I was growing up" says Chloé Norman about the title of her new series of photographs, "especially during my teenage years. I took it as both kind words of wisdom and a warning. It was encouragement to save my mind and my body for a partner who would respect me and share my values. While this is an honourable hope for any daughter, I think the phrase has taken up further meaning cultivated by the larger Christian community. Phrases like “chewed up gum” and “worn sneakers” rolled through my teenage years warning girls that giving away a part of your heart before marriage would render you impure and broken, even inadequate for future partners."

Follow link to read a full interview with Chloé on Guard Your Heart with

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