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Erin Candela
Wild Is My Love

December 5th 2013 - January 4th 2014
Reception: Friday December 13th 2013, 7-10pm
Refreshments and Mingling: 7-10pm
Poetry and Outbursts: 9pm onward...


Erin candela Wild is my Love Graven Feather Toronto Art Gallery Studio Workshops

** Guests are encouraged to bring poetry related to or about Love, Longing, Illusion, Identity, Bears or the idea of North. Artist Erin Candela will read publicly any poem given to her for said purpose however all attendees are encouraged to participate in brave and rebellious acts embracing risk and vulnerability throughout the evening.

Wild Is My Love runs through the month of December. Themes of Identity, Longing and Reflections are touched upon in this recent body of work, a collection of drawings, found-object sound sculpture and an on-going mural installation. The artist will be working on the walls of the gallery daily, altering and drawing within and over installed pieces.

More images available at

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