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Noelle Wharton-Ayer
At Ease

April 5th - 28th, 2012
Reception: Thursday April 5th, 6-8PM


Graven Feather Toronto Art Gallery Studio Workshops

At Ease is a grouping of work drawing inspiration from various odd themes involving the great outdoors; namely wilderness survival shows, emergency shelters, and sphagnum bogs.

Using the repetition of key images, colours, motifs and assorted objects, the installation presents a vague strategy for self-preservation in the face of a wilderness emergency. Sentiments of urgency are contrasted against whimsical speculation, highlighting the differences between our notions and actual experiences of being in the wild.

Noelle Wharton-Ayer is a Toronto-born artist working in print and other paper-based endeavors. She received her BFA from York University, currently shuffles between Toronto and Quebec City and plants trees during the warmer months.

More images available at

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